Poland streamlines its residence and work permit application processes


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Application procedures
Following the amendment, applicants for temporary residence and work permits are no longer be required to prove that:
- they have a source of stable and regular income, sufficient to support themselves and dependant family members,
- they have a place of residence in Poland (i.e. proof of accommodation such as rental contract).
All temporary residence and work permit applications have to be processed and decided within 60 days of receipt of complete documentation. Applications submitted before 1 January 2022 that have not been determined yet may be reviewed under an expedited procedure.
Conditions of employment
Additionally, the regulations introduce a requirement that a foreigner’s monthly remuneration cannot be lower than the minimum wage in Poland, regardless of the person’s working time or the type of contract. It is also worth noting that foreign employees are no longer be required to apply for new work permits if:
- their job title changes but the scope of duties remains the same or
- if they work longer hours while receiving proportionally higher pay.
Employer’s declaration of intent to employ a foreigner
Under the new amendment, citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia or Ukraine are able to work in Poland on the basis of a “Declaration of intent to employ a foreigner” (Oświadczenie o zamiarze powierzenia wykonywania pracy cudzoziemcowi) for a maximum of 24 months. It is a significant change considering that until now the document could only be issued for a period not exceeding 6 months within 12 subsequent months.
For more detailed information on the amendment, please visit the website of the Polish Office for Foreigners.