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published: 05 Jul 2024 in Travel & leisure

How do Poles spend vacation? Holiday trends in 2024

Kamila Brzezińska
Kamila Brzezińska


As summer approaches, many Poles are planning their vacations for 2024. Provident’s Barometer survey provides valuable insights into the vacation trends and preferences among Poles, revealing a complex interplay of financial constraints, rising costs, and personal holiday goals.
Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash

Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash

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How long do Poles plan to stay on vacation?

While in some countries some people take a few days off for vacation, and in others – the summer holidays can last up to a month – Poles plan to spend this time in the following ways:

  • Standard vacation length: Most Polish vacations do not exceed two weeks.
  • Extended Vacations: Only 7.5% can afford vacations longer than 14 days.
  • 8 to 14 days: 28.6% plan vacations of 8 to 14 days, up from 23% last year.
  • One-week vacations: 27.5% will limit their vacations to one week, slightly down from 28% in 2023.
  • Undecided plans: 17% of respondents remain undecided about their vacation plans.
  • Skipping vacations: 19.3% will forgo vacations altogether.

Why do Polish people decide to stay at home during the summer holidays?

Many of us, when thinking of vacation, imagine an exiting excursion to a new destination, away from the realities of everyday life. Yet a significant part of the Polish people decide to stay at home during summer holidays:

  • Primary reason for not traveling: Over half of the respondents cite insufficient funds as the main reason, especially among the 25-34 (60%) and 55-64 (66%) age groups.
  • Resting at home: 23% prefer to rest at home, a choice slightly more common among men (25%) than women (22.1%).
  • Other factors: Health concerns and lack of a travel companion also play a role, with 12% citing the latter.

How much money do Polish people spend on vacation?

Unless one decides to go hiking and backpacking, vacation is irrevocably linked to some extra spending for many people in Poland:

  • Average expenditure: The average vacation cost in Poland is PLN 3713, which is PLN 513 more than last year and nearly PLN 1,000 more than in 2022.
  • Biggest spenders: The 35-44 age group and residents of the Opole region spend the most, averaging PLN 4272 and PLN 5510, respectively.
  • Gender spending differences: Women spend PLN 300 more than men on average.
  • Financing vacations: Almost half of Poles use their savings, 39% rely on current income, and less than 2% use credit cards or loans. Additionally, 14.5% of the youngest respondents receive financial support from loved ones.
  • Saving duration: 38.2% save for six months or less, while 35.4% need 7-12 months. Men tend to save slightly faster than women.

Vacation planning: Dreams vs. practicality

There are the dreams of international travel, and then there are concerns about funding all this summer fun Polish people plan on having:

  • Personal dreams: 25% of respondents choose destinations to fulfill personal dreams.
  • Recommendations and costs: 24% consider recommendations, and 21.7% consider costs.
  • Practical concerns: Commuting time (17.2%) and transportation convenience (10%) are also significant factors.
  • Familiar vacation spots: One in six prefer returning to familiar vacation spots, a trend common among the 35-44 age group and seniors.
  • Family-friendly attractions: The 25-34 age group prioritizes family-friendly attractions, while the younger generation values affordable transportation options.

What are the most popular vacation destinations for Poles?

Whether opting for domestic travel, exploring European destinations, or finding solace at home, the vacation choices of Poles seem to be quite varied:

  • Trips abroad: European trips surpass the Baltic Sea as the top destination, with 31% of respondents opting for international travel.
  • Baltic Sea: 28% still favor the Baltic Sea.
  • Polish mountains: A dream destination for one in six Poles.
  • Other preferences: Other popular choices include different Polish cities (10%), countryside retreats (8.8%), and the Mazury region (6.9%).
  • Undecided plans: One in six respondents are still undecided about their travel plans.

Transportation and accommodation

:In 2024, Poles plan to travel and stay in the following ways:

  • Cars: The most popular mode of transportation, chosen by 51.9% of Poles.
  • Public transportation: Less than 43% prefer public transportation (planes, trains, buses), particularly among the 18-24 age group (52.9%).
  • Gender differences: More women opt for cars (54.8% vs. 48.6% men), while more men choose public transportation (45.1% vs. 40.8% women).
  • Accommodation preferences: Hotels (29.2%), guesthouses (20.6%), and staying with friends or family (18.7%) are common choices. One in six will book vacation homes, and a small fraction (4.3%) will camp.

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