Poles choose foreign companies
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More than a third of the professionals surveyed by the recruitment company Devire said they would choose to work in a corporation (an option picked by 35 per cent of respondents), rather than a medium-sized company (chosen by 20 per cent of professionals), a small enterprise (8 per cent of responses) or a start-up (7 per cent of responses). Only 3 per cent of those surveyed said they would opt for a freelance career - half as much as in 2019-20. As observed by Michał Młynarczyk, CEO of Devire, the pandemic-induced crisis may have prompted more professionals to search for stable, long-term career opportunities, which are usually associated with big corporations:“Large companies have well-defined organizational structures, transparent processes and offer greater employment stability than start-ups or smaller enterprises''.
The respondents were also asked to share their opinions on companies with foreign capital. As it turns out, nearly one-third of Polish professionals would favour a job with a foreign-owned corporation rather than a Polish one - the option was picked by 28 per cent of respondents this year, as compared to 21 per cent in 2019-20. A Polish corporation would be chosen by 11 per cent of Poles (12 per cent last year), while 62 per cent of respondents said the company’s country of origin did not matter to them (5 percentage points less than last year).
When asked about the nationality of their dream employer, a lot of professionals said they would want to work for an American company (37 per cent of responses) or a German one (19 per cent). A number of respondents would favour a Swiss employer or a British one (10 per cent and 9 per cent respectively). A French company would be a preferable choice for 3 per cent of Poles.