published: 25 Mar 2020 in Travel & leisure
Stay at home and become more Polish with these online resources

Joanna Czarnecka
Now that we are all stuck at home, it is time to think of some new ways of spending our free time on our own. Let's see what kind of Polish activities you can engage in thanks to the magic of the internet.

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Polish up your skills
- What better time to practise your Polish language skills? Check out our article on free mobile apps that will help you accelerate your language learning: 7 free apps to help you learn Polish.
- And if you enjoy a bit of a challenge, give your tongue a good workout with some of these Polish tongue-twisters: Where does the beetle buzz? The toughest Polish tongue-twisters.
- If you are always struggling with the Polish declension, delve into grammar intricacies with this great Polish teacher: Polish with Ania.
- Or take part in free online language classes organized by the Multicultural Center in Warsaw: Polish course online.
Become a film buff
- Watch one of the most original and beloved Polish comedy classics, Rejs (The Cruise), especially if you share a love for improvised humour (English subtitles): Rejs, Studio Filmowe TOR.
- Practise your Polish skills in the most entertaining way possible - vist and choose from hundreds of Polish-language films (cult classics available for free). Here are a few must-see Polish comedies: Jak rozpętałem II wojnę światową, Vabank, Seksmisja, Nie lubię poniedziałku.
Or a bookworm
- Speaking of classics, how much do you know about the Polish literary canon? Nowadays there are quite a few digital archives and libraries publishing literary works that have already entered the public domain. Websites such as Internet Archive or Project Gutenberg give you access to thousands of books for free, including some of the most famous Polish classics in English translation:
- Adam Mickiewicz’s “Pan Tadeusz" (scanned, plain text)
- Henryk Sienkiewicz’s “The Deluge” (scanned, plain text), "Quo Vadis" (audiobook), "In Desert and Wilderness" (scanned, plain text, audiobook)
- Władysław Reymont's "The Peasants" (the first volume: scanned)
- If you would rather read some world-famous novels in Polish, go to Wolne Lektury, a Polish digital library with thousands of books and poems as well as hundreds of audiobooks read by well-known Polish actors.
Take a sightseeing tour of Poland
- Go on a guided tour of Kraków (in English),
- Climb to the viewing terrace of the Palace of Science and Culture and admire the Warsaw skyline,
- Take a walk around the stunning Castle Museum in Pszczyna (English),
- Visit The Royal Castle in Warsaw and the historical Wieliczka Salt Mine (Polish)
all from the comfort of your home!
We hope you will enjoy all these activities and get to know a little bit more about Poland along the way!
Stay home and stay safe everyone!