10 most popular Polish names


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Have you ever wondered why so many of your friends in Poland are named Kasia or Ola or Tomek? Polish people cannot name their children anything they want (the more controversial choices are reviewed by the Polish Language Council), which might be one of the reasons why most parents opt for traditional-sounding first names – and these are usually of Slavic, Latin or Greek origin.
Once a year, the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs publishes a list of the most popular names given to Polish-born children. As it turns out, Zuzanna, Julia and Maja were the most fashionable name choices for girls in 2018. As regards boy names, Antoni, Jakub and Jan made it to the top three of the 2018 chart.
Recently, the Ministry has also compiled a list of the all-time most popular female and male names in Poland. According to the data provided, there are around one million Polish Annas and about 700 000 men named Piotr! Take a look at the list below and check if you know anyone by these names:
Which one is your favourite? Write in our comment section.